Kellerkommando – Maus

A few days ago I was listening to the Radio Göthe podcast and the show had an interview with the band Kellerkommando. I found the band and their music interesting, fun and upbeat. I also like the fact that they are taking traditional songs and putting a modern spin on them including singing in Fraconian. So why not share this wonderful music with my fine readers? After all not everything from Germany is AGM.

FYI, the video I’ve linked might be considered unsafe for work if you’re workplace is pretty uptight.


Wow, long time no write. I’m sorry but as happens life got in the way. My life is significantly different than it was when I started this blog. After some thought and discussion with some of my closest friends I’ve decided to give this another go. After all, I’m still traveling and listening to music.

If you are new you can read about my goals on the first post. In short, I’m going to write about my travels and music. Though I don’t promise to keep to just those subjects. Like everyone else I know I have many interests and I can’t keep them all contained into separate silos.

Another big reason I’m restarting my blog is that I’ve just returned home from the Rites of Spring festival. RoSfest, as it’s commonly called, is three days of music. It is held on the first weekend of May at the Majestic Theater in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. The festival is always an amazing combination of music, friends and fun. Our tribe comes together once a year to celebrate life, catch up with each other and enjoy some damn fine music. I will be posting a RoSfest retrospective later.

So welcome back!